Happy Canada Day!

I miss Canada on a moment-to-moment basis. Every year when the 1st of July rolls around, my level of missing gets real. Today is Canada Day, and already I’ve witnessed my Twitter and Facebook feeds explode with Canadian long weekend celebrations, and it got me craving all things Canadian. So, I thought to share with you some of my favourite delights from back home. And more importantly, to tempt you into the dark side … 

Naniamo bars. It’s like shoving a piece of heaven in your mouth. Coconut, biscuit and dark chocolate base, followed by a smooth and delicate custard centre, topped off with a crisp layer of dark chocolate. When you bite into it, the custard goes everywhere and you will loose the plot completely. It’s that good.  
POUTINE. Oh my god. If there is only one Canadian delight you try, make it this one. Even better reason to try it – it’s oh so simple. Chips {or fries – depending on what continent you’re on}, grated cheese {lather it on good and thick}, topped with home made gravy. I will be personally offended if you do not try this. 
Pecan pie. I know. Pecan pie is American and not Canadian. BUT, it is gorgeous treat of the senses and reminds me of home. Does that count? The Canadian version of this dish would be butter tarts. Which are insane. And I want one now. 
Tourtiere. I will be the first to admit this dish tastes a hundred times better that it looks. Husband pure demanded this for dinner tonight, but as he’s up to his gills in man flu and I’m not far off, I think poutine will be our choice of dinner tonight.

Happy Canada Day to you and yours 🙂

xx A

p.s. I’ve been a bit MIA on the blog front this week. I’ve been channeling my inner Carrie Bradshaw by writing away and spending a lot of quality time with my laptop. Except, nowhere as fashionable.