Today is the start of bigger things. I’d say at this point you’re all sick to your back teeth reading about me wanting to take my first step towards a career in design. I kind of had enough, burst into wobbly tears and made a lot of ugly crying faces these past few weeks, so I decided to take a step. A tiny one. I decided to commit one day a week to me stuff and one day less as an office zombie. It’s a risk, but not too much of one as I’m still a chicken shit / worrier and am terrified of failure. I haven’t made this move until now because it was far too easy to just not change anything. I don’t have as much balls as some of the bloggers I know who are not only doing it full time, but owning it. I can’t do that. Not yet at least. It’s a weening process for me.
So far today I procrastinated by cleaning the entire apartment, doing a load of laundry and getting a meter reading before making myself breakfast. But I knuckled down and am now almost finished one of the items on my list. One step at a time. One day a week. Quietly bricking it as I go.