Thinking outside the box

Since me and leopard print tissue box have spent so much time together over the past week, I realized I had a blog post staring me straight in the face. First, I must credit this trick to my mom.

This is a simple trick that can be applied to many things around your home. It’ll save you money, while giving the illusion you can fritter your money away on fancy things; reusing a fancy tissue box by refilling it with a cheaper brand of tissue. Because you’re fabulously frugal.

What you’ll need:
– fancy tissue box
– cheap tissues for when  fancy tissues run out
– 2 paperclips

Step 1: go through fancy tissues as you normally would. Step 2: when fancy tissue box is empty, don’t throw it out! Heavens, no. Carefully open the side of your tissue box {or bottom, depending on the box}. Step 3: fill with cheaper and otherwise blasé brand of tissues, then close your tissue box with the help of two cleverly disguised paper clips. I use paperclips in stead of tape, since tape may peel the fancy pattern off your tissue box.

It doesn’t sound like much, but this reduce, reuse, recycle trick can be used with loads of stuff around your house on many levels. You just gotta think outside the box.

Do any of you have your own sneaky and deceptive tricks that you use around your home? I bet you do.

Lately …

… there’s been a lot of organizing and planning all up in my face. I’m getting an exponential amount of excitement from crossing stuff off our big day list, but I’m super run down. I acquired a lovely dose of strep throat which has spiraled into a chest infection. All of which I’ve been told are due to stress. 

So I need to do the following, or jump ship …

– Relax and learn to turn my brain OFF. Those of you who have organized something large, you know what I mean when I say it’s on your brain all the time. My mind is draining me.
– Craft with kitties. There’s a reason those two go so well together. Like wine and cheese.
– Read more. And I don’t mean via a machine. 
– Go on Facebook less. What a shower of shite that place can be. If I spend more than 30 minutes on it, I get anxious. Less is more.

I am determined to start a yarn project within the next week. If any of you have any suggestions on how to turn your brain off, they will be lovingly welcomed with open arms!

I want it now – knitted lamps

I crept these knitted lamps by Cillian Johnston at the Showcase Ireland Expo way back in January. I meant to blog about them, but as you can tell, I forgot. 

How awesome are these? Quite stylish I think. A cool mix of contemporary and traditional. You can find out more about these knitted delights right here.

Happy Thursday all! We’re almost there …