It began as what was meant to be a quick stop at our local home and garden center to pick up a light bulb. After I picked up said item, I took the scenic route to the tills, and low and behold, what did I cross, but a load of hydrangea clad ceramics. I couldn’t just leave without one. That would be rude.
Look at them go. Oh I stood there and admired them for what was probably way too long, and took several grainy pictures. They’re meant for aesthetic decorative reasons, but I knew the smallest jar could find a good home in our kitchen to store fiance’s tea. As much as I post about tea cups, I actually hate tea. I just like the cups. I guess I could be compared to one of those people who reads the book after they see the movie. That made more sense in my head.
Also, I saw this potted hydrangea in the garden section and just woah – look at the size of the petals! Hopefully you’ll get an idea of the size by my hand. Attack of the monster hydrangea. If I didn’t unintentionally murder every plant that came into my care, I would have swiped one.