I want it now – Temair throw

I bookmarked this little piece of heaven on the Lion Brand Yarn website close to 3 years ago. And I still think it’s amazing. The crocheted Temair Throw makes me think all kinds of fancy. When we own a home of our own, I see us having a sassy chaise lounge, and I could drape this mother right over it. This picture gives me a warm fuzzy feeling about the future. I know, that probably sounds silly. But I think it’s stunning, and the fact that the pattern is labelled as ‘intermediate’ gives me some hope. 
In other news, I hope you all had a lovely Easter weekend! I’m planning on sitting down and spending my Bank Holiday Monday crocheting with the company of Steel Magnolias and other such classics. Crafting posts soon to come, I promise. Happy BH Monday 🙂

Confessions of a craftaholic

Turn to page 6 of the current March / April issue of House and Home to see a little craft mention featuring yours truly – confessing to my numerous craft habits. This cheeky mention came about when I was joking in  the H&H boardroom about how I’m secretly a 75 year old woman sitting at home knitting, crocheting and cross stitching with a cat or two on my lap. And occasionally a G&T within reach.  

Nothing good comes from joking in the boardroom. Not only is my craft confession mentioned once, but twice! As my co-worker Naoimh said when she saw my pic, my hair kind of looks like a wig in this picture. It was taken a couple of weeks ago when I had an intentional crooked fringe, but crooked fringe is no longer.

In non-crafty news, I started a new job last week, hence my lack of blog hagging. It was one of those first weeks where you’re concentrating so hard all day, that you are rendered completely useless once you get home. Then I slept almost all weekend. But now I’m back in the swing of things, and I have to say I missed blogging terribly, even though it was only 8 days. Yes, I know. I am uber lame.

p.s. I also miss my gang at House and Home 🙁


I literally turned my back for three minutes. I assure you I did not leave my crocheting on the floor. Thanks Toshi.