Lovely mention – ‘Versatile Blogger’ nomination

Yesterday morning started off like any normal Sunday morning – I woke up too early, mister still asleep, fed the screaming cats, logged onto the world of online, except this Sunday I found out I was nominated by Livlig for the Versatile Blogger Award. Insert silent freak fest. And I hadn’t even had breakfast yet. 
My mind is still being boggled. The sheer fact that I’ve been nominated is enough for me. Seriously. Considering who is on the list along with me, I am already ridiculously flattered. I checked out all the nominees’ blogs, all of which are amazing, detailed and beautiful. So thank you Livlig for even being considered.

Lovely mention – Good Housekeeping

Last week, my little blog was mentioned as one of Good Housekeeping’s Blogs We Love This Week. I only found out about this mention while I was in the middle of baking my tourtiere’s, but still had time to call my parents and freak out while up to my wrists in pastry. So I’m only getting around to appreciating my mention now.

As soon as I screamed the news down the hall to my fiance, his immediate reaction was to quote the Step Brothers movie. That’s why I love him.

A big shout out to Caylin Harris and Good Housekeeping for taking the time to enjoy and mention my blog. It’s been epic.

Lovely mention – Poppytalk

Be still my beating heart.

I’ve been meaning to post my most monumental mention to date, which has caused an explosion of interest in my little blog – my lovely mention on Poppytalk. It triggered loads of deceptive dust cover mentions from Urban Threads, frohlockend, and a cluster of Pinterest pins, where there were only 3 the day before. 
This all kicked off on Friday, and after hours of sitting in front of my laptop, mouth open, clicking between Blogger, Twitter, and other social outlets, I went for a very long walk. I’m only now getting my head around it, and seeing what I can make out of all of this – to work in my favor, maybe to gain some street cred toward my career.