Hydrangea Girl – elsewhere

As you may know by now, Google reader is going extinct as and from tomorrow. I have no doubt those of you who use it have made the necessary precautions, but just in case, below are a couple of alternative sites you can use to keep up to date with my posts …

Subscribe by e-mail

I’m sure there’s more, but those are the only two alternatives I can think of. And while I’m at it, here’s some blatant social media plugging you can find me here too …


For all of about 4 minutes I signed up for Google+ and Instagram, but I quickly deleted my accounts. To me they’re just two more social media sites I have to chase, and I’m quite content with the ones I have to date. No offence to those of you who have those accounts; I feel I’d be spreading myself too thin. It seems less is more is happening a lot around here lately.

That’s all peeps. Stop on by tomorrow for some tasty temptations you will adore / immediately regret consuming. Hell, you only live once. xx A

Merry half way there!

It’s official. We are exactly six months through the year. Half way to Christmas. To some people this may cause their skin to crawl, but I’m always thinking six months ahead. These days I’m daydreaming about Christmas time, wooly blankets and hot chocolate. Woah, hold up – those last two happened last night. Yep, our summer is over already here in Ireland it seems … Moving on!  

In recent years, husband and I have started a tradition of our own. At Christmas, husbands mom makes us a ridiculously yummy pudding, which is one of husbands most favouritest desserts. So, for the past three years, I’ve saved two healthy slices of Christmas pudding and stored it in the back of our fridge. Then on June 25th, half way there, I dig it out of the fridge and we enjoy a serious slice of pudding {I snuck a tiny bit while taking this picture, and nearly had a When Harry Met Sally moment in the kitchen}.  
Do any of you have silly traditions like this you’ve started with your significant other? I can easily see our tradition snowballing out of control when we have produced children, and I end up decorating the house on June 25th. Yeah. I’ll be the weird mom. 

p.s. Thank you all so much for your sweet comments and words of support on yesterdays post. I am one lucky gal 🙂 xx A

Blog Awards Ireland 2013

It’s getting real all up in here ladies and gentlemen. This years’ Blog Awards Ireland has been launched, and my little blog has been nominated in not one, but three categories. I am totes excited / nervous / a whole range of emotions / scrambling / et cetera. I took a couple of hours over the weekend to sit down and make little changes to my website that I’ve wanted to do for way too long. It’s been my perfect excuse. Also, please excuse the mess if you happen upon my site mid-fiddle. Lord knows it was a hot mess this time yesterday. 

Hydrangea Girl has been nominated for …


All of which makes me feel like this. Incredibly excited, plus a mixed bowl of nerves as well. I’m not a competitive person, so my confidence goes down the pooper the moment the word ‘competition’ is mentioned. But luckily, the Blog Awards Ireland isn’t a popularity contest so once you’re nominated, that’s it. I was dreading the idea of having to ask people to vote for me, and luckily for you guys, you don’t have to!
If you’re a blogger here in Ireland, have you been nominated yet? If not, check out the nominations list here, and get in there like swimwear. The closing date for nominations is the 31st of July. Exciting stuff, and I hope to see you there on the night! xx A