Lately …

… We couldn’t have asked for more perfect weather. Waking up to blue skies and sun and not have to go to work makes for a very productive weekend. I headed into the city centre and visited the amazing Talking Tables in Daintree for the first time. I couldn’t resist their adorably detailed table accessories, especially all the black and white goodies, and I had to pick up a little something for our new … wait for it …

BARCART. Literally 30 minutes after I blogged about wanting a bar cart for our living room, I spotted this baby in Debra charity shop on Camden Street. There it was. Three tiers of lovely. Lonely, covered in trinkets and without a price tag. The manager was surprised to hear of someone inquiring to buy it, but she was more than happy to sell it to me for €10. What a steal. Two bus journeys and countless chats with strangers about how awesome charity shops are, the cart is home, scrubbed, styled and dripping in decanters. I’m literally bursting to blog about it guys. Yeah, I’m going to do that annoying blogger thing and tease you with a nondescript picture for now.

Suck on that, Daft Punk. I didn’t have to stay up all night to get lucky.

We took advantage of every minute of this ridiculous weather we’ve had and ate breakfast, lunch and dinner al fresco {sorry Janine}. I snapped some pics of my runner-up favourite flowers over in Farmleigh; wisteria and lupines – which always remind me of one of my favourite books growing up, Miss Rumphius {the lupine lady}.

I still can’t believe what amazing weather we’ve had. Us pasty Irish will be ODing on vitamin D before we know it. xx A

p.s. Thanks guys for your support and lovely comments on my post last Wednesday. I’m so hesitant when it comes to writing about real life stuff – especially if it makes me cringe, but you guys are the sweetest. And it was nice to know I’m not alone when it comes to lack of job opportunities! As a lovely lady I met recently said “maybe the universe is trying to tell you to stop working in offices, and start working in design“.

I want it now – bar cart

Recently I’ve wanted nothing more than to add a panache of bar cart to our living room, and the fab weather we’ve had here in Dublin is only just intensifying it. Hot weather and cool drinks has pushed me over the edge and it’s now my mission to own one of these sweet, sweet honeys. That, and my long time love of decanters.  

Napkins, stirrers, straws, decanters, tumblers, trays, coasters, and cork collections. Hold me back, bro.

And equally easy on the eyes, the gentleman’s bar cart …

I would adore, adore, adore if I could find a bar cart in a second hand shop. I’m the type of person that doesn’t like having too many new things as there’s a lot to be said for pre-loved pieces. I’ll be hitting the city centre today, and I’ll scour a couple of charity shops with the hopes of finding a haggard cart in need of some TLC. 
It’s Saturday – stop being on the internet and get outside. xx A
Image cred 1, 2, 3 and 4

The rug is not the issue

At long last, the rug is down. This hugely fabulous IKEA Stockholm rug hadn’t been in stock in Dublin since … probably ever. One fateful day I checked their online stock checker, and there it was. All 2.4m of it and only 5 in stock. I rushed out and managed to get my hands on the last medium rug. Followed quickly by a sweltering dose of guilt. 

As I wrote two weeks ago, I decided to use my our new rug as an incentive. My embarrassing goal being – I could only put our rug down once I got a job. For anyone outside of Ireland reading this, it may not seem like a big deal, but here in Ireland, the jobs front is horrific. I’m an office zombie by day, and unfortunately like some of the offices I’ve worked with in the past, the company I was working with went bust in April. So I was unemployed, and had splurged on this amaze-balls rug. In order to stay afloat, I quickly turned my guilt into an incentive. Long story short, I landed myself a temp role, so down went the rug last weekend. All kinds of awesome …

Our new rug perfectly anchors my here and there infatuation with black and white throughout our apartment, not to mention it adds a perfect punch of pattern to our living space. I’m a big-time fan of the layered effect, so I may try my hand at DIYing a faux zebra skin rug {I’ve seen a couple of very do-able tutorials out there} and see how it works layered with this puppy. I’m thinking either silver, gold or lavender in stead of the typical black zebra stripes. Yum, yum. But nothing’s set in stone.
Boy, am I smitten. And as it happens, so are our kittehs. 

So far rug has settled in nicely and will  be an especially warm welcome when winter hits our cave of an apartment, and most of our time is spent curled up on the couch with Netflix. 
I hope wherever you are you’re having as nice of weather as we’re experiencing here in Dublin! Lots of dining al fesco and tall, cold beverages. And ice cream. Mostly ice cream. xx A
p.s. Sorry for the cringey employment rant. I try to keep my writing real. Girl got bills to pay.