Thrifty things – coral centerpiece

I took a sneaky detour yesterday into a local charity shop. I was in said shop for about 20 seconds when I saw this delight on a shelf. I immediately pulled one of these in my best southern accent … 
For €8 at Age Action, it was a complete steel. It’s mounted on a marble disk, way heavier than it looks, and it’s quite rough so kitty’s have made their approval for face-rubbing purposes. A quick scrub once I got home and it came up gleaming. 
Warning, boring rant – regarding natural things on the market like coral, antlers, framed spiders/insects etc – they never sit right with me. I want to cry whenever I see things like that especially if it’s supporting an industry to plow a seabed or snuff an animal. I will defend myself by saying this was in a charity shop, therefore I was not directly supporting an industry of that nature. End rant. 
I’d also like to take a moment to write about a Facebook-fueled attack on my website that happened last night. For those of you brought to my site thanks to the lovely {and grossly misinformed} link details, welcome 🙂 Unfortunately, the woman who pointed you in my direction was a bit out of her element to say the least. Said blog post has temporarily been removed due to unsolicited slander and bullying. It’s unfortunate when fellow crafters and bloggers attack each other in this uncalled manner. 
Well, things can only get better. I was up all night with a lovely fever and strep throat. Can someone come over and sing soft kitty to me? Happy Wednesday homies – we’re halfway there 😉 xx A

You drive me crazy

This weeks envy is brought to you by Pinterest. Also, please let me know if you’re a fellow addict! I can always do with more pinspiration. Don’t be shy.

Image cred 1234

Inspiration – man blanket

I’m currently in cahoots with my broseph for his birthday. I wanted to make him a blanket, but I soon realized in order to make one he genuinely liked, I would have to consult him on the pattern and colours, therefore it would not be a surprise.

It needed to look manly, but not too boring. I was conscious of it looking dated in the future, which meant the colour and pattern we chose would play a huge factor. After much humming and hawing, I found a style of blanket that broseph very much approved of {you can see it here}. It was straight forward, masculine, wasn’t too colour restrictive and doesn’t scream a particular age group. In stead of blue and yellow, he wanted maroon to be incorporated {no objections here}, so here’s what I sent his way for approval …

From there, I made some tweaks and we narrowed it down to this …

… he’s very happy with it, which is something I didn’t expect. After work yesterday I managed to find the perfect Aran wool, whose colour I can only compare to a warm gunmetal grey, and came in the perfect quantity of two shit-tonnes of yarn. The detail colour yarn only comes in similar amounts, so I’m scouring the internet for some smaller skeins. 

Since broseph’s birthday is now less than a month away, I literally had to start crocheting the moment I got home last night. The selfish side of me is so happy to have a project to work on, and I happily crocheted 4 lines last night. I’m the kind of person who constantly needs something to do. Otherwise I’m screaming with boredom.

Before I went to sleep last night, I said to hubby “I’ll do a couple lines in bed before I go asleep.” I sound like a crack addict.