We will be spending Valentine’s Day at home since poor hubby has had the worst ‘flu of his life all this week. A good excuse for couch snuggles if you ask me. Since we will more than likely be spending our Valentine’s evening watching Breaking Bad {no complaints}, the old brain cogs got turning. I had seen a rather clever and awesome-o Movie Bingo Night free download over on Design*Sponge a while back, and thought it could do with some breaking, and this is what I concocted …
Mad props to Design*Sponge for paving the way. I’ve included massive images after the break for printing purposes, should you like to take a stab at some Breaking Bad Bingo …
Obviously, you can edit it out to include better details. Design*Sponge also have a great blank bingo template here, which is what I used and subsequently, broke. I hope you enjoy, my lovelies. And Happy Valentine’s Day to you and yours! 🙂
xx A