Slowly but surely I’m getting around to blogging our wedding details. I.e. our invitations. They’re little details like this that I adored pouring hours of thought into.
Back in May of this year hubby and I met with
Pretty as a Picture to schmooze over their invitations. The moment we saw the
Harbor Beach template by
Bella Figura, we both immediately loved it {I was so worried we would have such different taste}. That strong and unique silhouette backed with those stripes was what won us over.
We customised our invitations my replacing the anchor with a hydrangea*, converting it to black & white {there were b&w stripe details in our wedding, such as the
boutonnieres / buttonholes} customizing and justifying the text. I adored the look of mixed texts while keeping a strong justification, to almost counter-act the fanciness of the border going on around it.
Interestingly, I really liked the more masculine and stronger style text, while husband enjoyed the more detailed, italicized fonts. I was surprised at that one …
I made a further, cheeky customization to our invitations. We were on a tight budget, so we didn’t opt for a second colour on our invitations {black counts as one}. In stead, when we got our invites, I took it upon myself to add some colour. For the record, I would not suggest doing this unless you have a very steady hand and are confident / slightly mentally unbalanced and enjoy taking on extra and very stressful tasks. Using a combination of two of my old rendering markers from college, I coloured within the lines of the ornate border, and voila, our invitations have a hint of dark berry tones.
We opted for our guests to RSVP via text, which meant we got very speedy replies within a couple of days of each person receiving their invitation. We so modern and alternative.
Lastly, a snap of my posting station. I made sure there would be no George-Costanza-fiance-licking-of-the-envelope incidents happening with me.

you can read here all about how husband suggested we put a hydrangea on our invitations. Hand on heart, I didn’t make that decision. Seriously. Srsly.