Our wedding – the invitations

Slowly but surely I’m getting around to blogging our wedding details. I.e. our invitations. They’re little details like this that I adored pouring hours of thought into. 

Back in May of this year hubby and I met with Pretty as a Picture to schmooze over their invitations. The moment we saw the Harbor Beach template by Bella Figura, we both immediately loved it {I was so worried we would have such different taste}. That strong and unique silhouette backed with those stripes was what won us over.

We customised our invitations my replacing the anchor with a hydrangea*, converting it to black & white {there were b&w stripe details in our wedding, such as the boutonnieres / buttonholes} customizing and justifying the text. I adored the look of mixed texts while keeping a strong justification, to almost counter-act the fanciness of the border going on around it. 
Interestingly, I really liked the more masculine and stronger style text, while husband enjoyed the more detailed, italicized fonts. I was surprised at that one … 

I made a further, cheeky customization to our invitations. We were on a tight budget, so we didn’t opt for a second colour on our invitations {black counts as one}. In stead, when we got our invites, I took it upon myself to add some colour. For the record, I would not suggest doing this unless you have a very steady hand and are confident / slightly mentally unbalanced and enjoy taking on extra and very stressful tasks. Using a combination of two of my old rendering markers from college, I coloured within the lines of the ornate border, and voila, our invitations have a hint of dark berry tones. 

We opted for our guests to RSVP via text, which meant we got very speedy replies within a couple of days of each person receiving their invitation. We so modern and alternative. 

Lastly, a snap of my posting station. I made sure there would be no George-Costanza-fiance-licking-of-the-envelope incidents happening with me.

*you can read here all about how husband  suggested we put a hydrangea on our invitations. Hand on heart, I didn’t make that decision. Seriously. Srsly. 

Exciting news!

Well bloggettes, there’s been a double whammy of news today. First, I’ll be hooking up with this crew again …

… I can’t complain. Exponential amounts of excitement. I’ve been asked to write a piece on a home revamp which will be kicking off next week. I’m a little nervous, but my overall excitement it trumping that right now. So excited to be back with H&H on this piece. It’ll be featured in the January/February issue which if memory serves me right, will be hitting the shelves festive season-ish . It’s Christmas come early for me!

And secondly, I got these lovelies in the post today …

Don’t even get me started. Our photographer, Karina Finegan, is some kind of magician. To back up that statement, I’ve included a tasty little number below. I cannot wait to go through our pictures with my folks tonight, accompanied by some quessadillas + wine. Winning.

TFIF, homies! Extra points if you can figure out what that first ‘F’ stands for. I hope you have an amaze-balls /relaxing/dare-I-say-festive weekend lined up.

xx A

It’s the little things …

Ah, life’s little pleasures. Finding the little things that make us smile or giddy, and then acknowledging them. That last bit is quite important.

It’s taking a surprisingly long time for me to settle back to my pre-wedding schedule. I think my body went into a state of shock / hibernation for the first while since I now have all this time on my hands. But I’m taking full advantage and enjoying rediscovering the things that make me silly and nerd out. 

Last weekend I snatched up this piece of amethyst. All that deep purple shiny goodness. It’s been on my list for a while to buy a piece since I think it’s just pure eye candy. This piece is small, but the colour was the most vibrant {photo does no justice}. There were bigger and cheaper pieces of amethyst, but the colour was a bit pissy. I’d love to own a massive piece some day, but for the moment, that stuff is cray expensive.

I’m getting back into baking and cooking. I’m quite certain husband* is elated at this. Since my evenings are no longer filled with scouring shops for wedding stuff, I now fill that time with foooood. The day after we got home from our honeymoon I bought Lorraine Pascal and Nigella Lawson‘s new cook books. Oh hell yes.

Below – Nigella’s gorgeous {and almost no sugar} ruby-red plum crumble, and butternut squash with pecans and blue cheese {which I substituted with goats cheese} along with a yummy side salad, parma ham, and a sweltering glass of red, for good measure.

And last, but definitely not least, hubby graduated with FIRST CLASS HONOURS last Thursday, the 15th of November. But what made us super giddy and blew our tiny minds? The official date he was awarded on his certificate was our wedding day – the 11th of October. That’s getting framed, and you can be sure it will be OTT. I should also mention I’m insanely proud of him. He’s a full on genius. 

Thursday – we’re almost there!

xx A

*Still finding it weird calling him husband. I feel like I’m part of a special club now.