It is my beloved fiance who is the Star Wars fan in our household, but I am happy to teeter behind the bandwagon, and buy him cute Star Wars t-shirts and underwear and sweaters and whatnot. In my defense, I’ve never actually watched all the movies in one go and had them explained to me, so I cannot call myself a fully fledged fan. I just like black and white stuff and luckily my husband is pro-empire, so that works out well adding stormtroopers and stuff to our home. I’m merely a Star Wars spectator.
In the spirit of the day, here are some pics I took while we were in Tunisia 2 years ago – I had researched that some of the original Star Wars sets still remained in the vastness of Tunisia, so I arranged for myself, fiance, and my broseph to travel there in order for my two nerf herders to fondle some of the original sets. And fondle they did. Here is the first film set, Hotel Sidi Driss, which is an existing underground hotel that I think was used as Luke’s home.
We also drove into the Sahara, quite close to Algeria, for the second set, which was purpose built, and kind of abandoned / preserved for years and years.
For those of you who may have read my lovely layers post, this is the set where I was charged to use the facilities, merely because I was not a man. At least I got a cute ticket. I framed it good.