Cast on

I find knitting so comforting. It gives a level of comfort to a room that not much else can bring. Not only tactile comfort, but the time and effort that goes into sitting down and knitting something wonderful.
I’ve recently come across a lot of alternative homely knitting, and had to post them. I’m really into the knitted poufs, and would love to have one. But since we have two cats, I’m not sure how practical any of the below are …

Phat Knits by Bauke Knottnerus | they remind me so much of a giant snake that used to occupy the Public Library where I grew up, long ago.

I’m also really enjoying knitted lampshades at the moment. This one is by Roost Living. I’m tempted to try my hand at whipping one up myself, but I fear it would be too disastrous. Also shown is the 365 Knitting Clock by Siren Elise Wilhelmsen. I saw this creative alternative at the 100% Design London show in September 2010. It’s designed to knit a stitch every half an hour; a round per day, resulting in a 6ft scarf at the end of the year – just in time for Christmas, if you time it right.

Image sources | 1, 24 & 56 and 7.

Feta + popcorn

Inspiration struck while I was in my kitchen. Feta and popcorn. This combo is ace. Don’t knock it til you’ve tried it.

Charcoal rain

Inspired by local Dublin graffiti artist Maser, I crafted this drip painting last summer. It’s really straight forward and the paint does all the work. I originally made it bright green drips, but it was too bright for me, so I repainted it in charcoal to better suit my living space.
Also shown is our Dandelion Urban Gnome we picked up at a fancy Interior Design opening evening where the {pre-recession} champagne was flowing and this is the result of our drinking. Money well spent.