My favorite picks – getting in the mood

1. Image Interiors – January/February 2011 issue. My perfect bus accompaniment at the moment. 
2. Tron Legacy soundtrack. I’m not a Daft Punk fan, but this album is pretty tight. It is helping me stay in the right mindset for my final college project.
3. Rimmel London 60 Seconds Nail Polish. Perfect for hurried painting – ie. on the bus or at your desk.
4. I love you like blank loves blank. Creative Valentine’s cards by The Hungry Workshop. Let your imagination go wild. Like Mario loves Luigi, like peanut butter loves jelly, even like Steven Seagal loves bad hair plugs. 
5. My new years resolution is to relearn French. My previous knowledge has deteriorated horribly. 

Hug in a mug

By this time if you haven’t heard of the ‘cake in a mug’ (or ‘cup cake’), you’ve been living under a rock. My boyfriend and I used to make cup cakes a lot, but then we stopped. It’s sad that we forgot to make them so much. Good for our waist-lines, but probably for the best in the end. 

I can’t help but compare this cup cake to those belts you see on American teleshopping – the ones you strap on which supposedly gives you a six pack while you sit on your couch and watch tv. Half assed – that’s the phrase I’m looking for. The cup cake is very half assed. I feel like I’m cheating my way out of making a cake, but none-the-less, it is genius.
This simple delight is very straight forward. No more messing about, details are below …


3 tablespoons of all purpose flour
3 tablespoons of sugar
2 tablespoons of coca powder
1 egg
1 tablespoon of milk
Dash of Bailey’s/Cointreau/brandy/rum {optional}

Mix all the dry ingredients in a mug together with the egg. Mix in with milk and dash of booze (if you like). Microwave for between one and two minutes – depending on the strength of your microwave. Keep a close eye on it so it doesn’t sprew out of control. Curl up on the couch, and enjoy.

Welcome to the dark side

After packing away the last of the Christmas decorations a couple of weeks ago, I attempted to punch up my living room with a new color scheme.
Since snatching up Marks & Spencers‘ autumn / winter Home magazine last December, and after staring at it on my coffee table ever since, the dark color scheme has really grown on me. I’ve gone for maroon, deep plum and dark navy accents in my living room against dark True Marble walls by Crown Paints. I’m really into the strong contrasts at the moment – dark design with a punch of color.

My muse these days: M&S Home autumn / winter 2010 magazine. I shouldn’t pick these magazines up. I want to squander my pay cheques the moment I see them.

Dark images brought to you by shelterness. I hope to own a Starck Louis Ghost or Victoria Ghost chair one day. One can dream. I’m also digging the high gloss kitchen. Not so good when it comes to sticky fingerprints though …


I’m really into symmetry these days – considering up until now I’ve been about nothing other than asymmetry – including my fringe as of recently {yummy image creeped on Plush Palate}.

Serious color hits I found on Digs Digs {plus hydrangeas … Yes, yes}. Designed by Atelier Abigail Ahern, this one bedroom rejuvenation project wasn’t afraid to embrace such strong contrasts. I don’t know that I’m brave enough to tackle something like the above, but I can still admire it from a safe distance.


When I grow up I want paneled walls. So bad. Lake Shore Penthouse above by the amazing Kara Mann boasting dark paneled walls and a punch of pink {image c/o In Home Trend}.


Continued moodiful hues from Atelier Abigail Ahern. Who doesn’t want a skull in their living room? No, really.