#PicadoMexican reveal!

#PicadoMexican is a warm, fuzzy feeling in my chest and I really don’t care how lame that sounds. A mere six weeks ago Lily let me in on a secret that her and her husband Alan were signing the final papers to have a shop of their own. They asked me to jump on board and before we knew it, we were knee deep in paint and sawdust. They were looking for an authentically Mexican but not cheesy design. Whitewash with a modern twist and semi-industrial elements is what I proposed for the shop. A mix of old and new. The shop would also serve as a demonstration kitchen for Lily’s cooking classes, so there had to be room for a kitchen. Real, down to earth and quirky design. Like the duo themselves. 

I won’t bombard you with all the design details right now though. I’m working on writing a blog post dedicated to each section of the shop where I’ll detail items such as products, DIYs, thought processes, health and safety regulations, and of course take you through the hiccups we encountered and I’m proud to say CONQUERED along the way.
I spent yesterday in the shop adding some final touches and my heart was about to burst. I’m so excited for Lily and Alan and cannot wait to see where #PicadoMexican will take them. Because those two are going places. But for now, I’ll let the pictures do the talking …

I think the above picture so perfectly sums up why I have loved spending every sweaty minute up to my knees in boxes and sawdust in #PicadoMexican – Lily and Alan are my kind of insanity. 

And that is #PicadoMexican my friends. Like any project, there are a couple of final details that still need to be added and tweaked here and there. All of which I’ll detail in my blogposts over the coming weeks. 
I really loved working with  Lily and Alan and feel very lucky to have had the opportunity to work with such incredible and fiery people. I think we all deserve a mojito tonight 😉 
Happy Friday, friends xx

Drop into Lily and Alan’s new store Picado Mexican located on 44A Richmond Street South 
or check out their online shop here

Made By A

So I did something, guys. Back in May I started a little Society6 online shop …

I had been humming and hawing about it for months beforehand {sometimes it takes me forever to actually do something once I get an idea}. Once I committed to starting a Society6 shop, I took a couple weeks to get my head around some designs and ideas. Not to mention trying to make them resemble something semi-internet-worthy. I wanted to create stuff I loved. It ultimately sounds quite selfish, but I found myself designing things I’d love to see and use in our own home. This is where I’m excited and apprehensive. Because I like them, and that makes me sound like a jerk, and that also makes them personal? {side note – work on developing thicker skin}. 

I’d like to introduce you to my small collection of stuff, Made by A!

So far I have six design ranges … 

All the above mentioned ranges are available in a number of home accessories. From shower curtains to rugs to mugs to pillows to clocks. Oh, and canvas tote bags. Because I have about a 50 of them already and clearly need more. 

The cogs are turning and I have a few new ideas in the works that I’d like to add. Keep an eye on my sidebar for any updates and check the verrry top of Society6’s online shop as they advertise deals or discounts {they often have free worldwide shipping = hello} as well as on all of the social media I’m sure.  I hope you enjoy my little new adventure / oh god please be kind.

Work hard, play harder

I’m going to try my best to write this blog post without sounding like a whiny little jerk. 

The last couple weeks have been insane. I haven’t had a day off in 4 weeks. I’ve crammed as much as physically possible into each day, working until 20:00 every night followed by more work at home. I haven’t sat down and had dinner with my husband in at least 2 weeks. No, that’s a lie. We had dinner together last week, but I fell asleep before I finished eating. At the table. Like a toddler. I wish I could say I was making that up. 

The awesome things that happened are – I submitted a couple of articles for Image Interiors & Living magazine, styled an opener picture for Image Interiors & Living with an incredible woman whose encouragement and opportunities makes me want to cry into my laptop, I branched out into the world of online shopping {more on that soon}, got to work with two beyond incredible people and #PicadoMexican is now almost complete {ZOMG}, and last but not least I became an aunt for the second time last weekend to a 9.2lbs tank of a nephew that can already hold his head up. Definitely some form of survival instinct has kicked in and I’m choosing to only focus on the good that has happened these past few weeks. 

And what I’ve been working towards? As and from Sunday morning, husband and I are cruising our way through the Baltic Sea. No, seriously. Stockholm, Helsinki, St. Petersburg {hello second honeymoon!}, Riga and Tallinn. One week of heaven and {cover your ears} I cannot fucking wait