I had been humming and hawing about it for months beforehand {sometimes it takes me forever to actually do something once I get an idea}. Once I committed to starting a Society6 shop, I took a couple weeks to get my head around some designs and ideas. Not to mention trying to make them resemble something semi-internet-worthy. I wanted to create stuff I loved. It ultimately sounds quite selfish, but I found myself designing things I’d love to see and use in our own home. This is where I’m excited and apprehensive. Because I like them, and that makes me sound like a jerk, and that also makes them personal? {side note – work on developing thicker skin}.
I’d like to introduce you to my small collection of stuff, Made by A!
So far I have six design ranges …
All the above mentioned ranges are available in a number of home accessories. From shower curtains to rugs to mugs to pillows to clocks. Oh, and canvas tote bags. Because I have about a 50 of them already and clearly need more.