Hydrangea Girl nominated for a BOP!


I got quite the unexpected email the other day to say I was nominated for a Blog and Online Publishing award from PR Slides in association with Littlewoods Ireland. I was quite taken aback, silly excited, quickly followed by a pang in the pit of my stomach. I really don’t like asking people to vote on stuff. The moment the word competition is uttered I’m usually the first to back out. But I thought, hey, it’s Friday so let’s work on being less of an introvert and step out a little. You can’t see it, but on the inside I’m cringing. 

I’ll knit you a cardigan out of cat hair if you vote for me. Now that I’ve got your attention, you can cast your vote here {scroll to the bottom, I’m in the last category – Best Lifestyle & Family Read}. Alls it asks for is your email address to cast your vote at the end, and as far as I know, you shouldn’t be on the receiving end of spam. And if you’re super bored, you can vote multiple times using all your friends and families email addresses without them knowing. 
Thank you for your vote of confidence friends, and happy Friday! 😉 xx A

Instagram roundup – March

Today I’m a bit fuzzy as the clocks went forward an hour yesterday in this part of the world, so I feel completely and utterly robbed of an hour of sleep this morning and NOT COOL. I love my sleep and even though I went to bed really early last night {before 10pm. Yep, I’m totally an old lady}, I am still not able to make good sentence today. Who wants to publish polished and well written blog posts all the time? That’s boring. 

Oh yeah, Instagram roundup. I like taking pictures and sometimes weird and / or interesting ones and then send them out to the Instagram universe. That first picture of the Bill Murray mask, that I am excited about and I’ll {hopefully} be able to share more of that this week!

So yeah. You can follow me on Instagram if you want. Or not! No worries. It’s cool. Spring forward sucks, but it does mean it’s brighter in the evenings for longer, so maybe I’ll appreciate that tomorrow. But for today, nope. 

p.s. How could I forget to include one of my favourite Instavideos from March? Oh right. Lack of sleep on Monday. So here’s a sneaky video I took of husband trying to teach Toshi how to play with the Purina Go-Cat Cat Fishing game on our tablet. Enjoy! 😉

DIY Friday – cherry blossom branch

Spring is slowly starting to show its first signs here in Dublin. Slowly. After the downright horrendous winter we’ve had this year in Ireland, I am greeting spring with arms wide open, twirling in a field with a simple yet incredibly flattering dress and my hair looks perfect. Very Sound of Music.

I adore cherry blossoms. To me they are the definition of spring. Unfortunately, they’re only in bloom for about 2 weeks in May, and it’s only March. Massive sad face. So I thought what if I could come up with a way to bring some spring indoors a bit earlier? And if it was a little more permanent that wouldn’t hurt either. That’s when I had my light-bulb moment – why not just DIY some spring? YEP. I’m that desperate. 

What you’ll need – some small faux flowers in either white or light pink {I bought two faux delphinium’s from Dunnes Stores at €3 each}, a fair sized naturally discarded branch {we don’t want to go terrorizing a tree for the sake of a DIY} and some UHU glue

Step 1 – wash the branch of any debris. I simply held it under the shower until it was clean, and left it to dry in our bathtub. Step 2 – remove your flowers from the faux stem. This should be fairly straight forward and they should just pop off. Step 3 – prop up your branch in a vase and begin to add the faux blossoms. With some squeezable glue, simply add a drop of glue into the circular opening of the faux flower, then press the base into any nobules {so technical} on the branch. Hold in place for a couple of seconds, and that’s it really! 

ADDITIONAL TIP – the faux delphinium’s I bought in Dunnes were actually white. I couldn’t find any faux pink flowers, so I simply used one of my pink college rendering markers {Promarker in ‘blossom’} and randomly coloured some of the petals before gluing them on. 

You can choose to use a branch as big or as small as you like, and feel free to overcrowd that baby with as many buds as you can fit onto it. More is more in this instance. This is also a great project for people like myself, who every year are taken off guard by weird and unusual hay fever allergies. Ain’t nobody going to get a runny nose from these blossoms. And they’ll last all year. Yes please. 

So what do you think? Would you actually try this DIY in your home? Or do the thoughts of faux flowers make your skin crawl? I’ll definately being DIYing this one again but on a much larger scale, and a hella lot more blossoms too. xx A