I then YouTubed ‘Tunisian crochet pattern’ {as I can’t read patterns. I have to watch them}, and found this great tutorial by TheCrochetSide. There was however one thing that baffled me about Tunisian crochet – it has its own special massive crochet hook. And I mean massive. I had never heard of such witch craft, so I was immediately disheartened and thought I’d never find one. Luckily, I didn’t have far to look and Home Focus at Hickeys came to the rescue again …
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I need your ever-knowledgeable help guys. What do you think? Hot pink would be a break from the norm, but then again a dark purple / winegum colour stripe would be perfect … I’m so indecisive. Give me your brains.
*Sorry. This isn’t a sexy, intricate or mysterious blanket. ‘Boudoir‘ blanket just sounded a lot better than ‘bedroom‘ blanket.