Check, check, is this thing on? …
It’s now 2022 and it’s been 9* 10 months since my last blog post. Do people read blogs anymore? I hope so because I’ve really missed this space. A lot has happened since my last post in April 2021 and I can’t wait to share some of the little projects I’ve been working on. One being the latest human I made 🖤
The hardest part is starting [again], and I honestly feel after publishing this post I will be here more often.
*It took me a month to draft even this post. Ha!
Yay, she’s back!
I think blogs are experiencing a bit of a resurgence. They offer much more flexibility than other forms, and I for one am ready for it.
Aw, yay! Barb! Yes! You’re completely right. The likes of Instagram, which people lean on so much right now [I am guilty of this, as it’s been so easy while trapped under a baby], is becoming increasingly more frustrating. I like that here I can create my own rules 😈