
Roughly this time last month I took a virtual stroll over to the IKEA website. For years I’ve had my eye on their Stockholm rug, but it was always just a dream since they never ever had it in stock in Dublin. For months I would check. Months turned into years. I signed up to be notified of its return, and that too expired. Except for last month. In April they had 5 in stock.  

And boy did I. I went to there. And I got the last medium rug. WINNING. Want to know the awful thing? It’s been standing in the corner of our living room ever since. 
I bought it because I knew it would fly off the shelves. And it did, since it’s no longer in stock again. I should defend myself and say I’m not the type of person to buy something that lush and ignore it {quite the opposite}. I’m using our new rug as an incentive. I have a goal and I can only put it down once I’ve reached it. I know – silly and sappy and childish. It’s not a groundbreaking goal either. But it’s driving husband insane because he says I’m torturing myself by not rolling it out {to which I usually reply with a Big Lebowski reference}.

Am I crazy? Have any of you done something like this? That first question should probably be treated as a rhetorical one. Oh god I hope I’m not the only one …

All that black and white goodness. I got my eye on the prize {and so does Juniper, as it happens}.

The streets this week

This past week I spent a lot of time out and about in Dublin. I wish I owned one of those pedometer things because we walked some serious mileage. As it happens, this week was also heavy on the graffiti factor. No complaints here. 

We checked out the All City Jam graffiti gig held in the Tivoli car park, and it was chalk full of inspiration. In hindsight, hubby and I probably should have showed up a bit later in the day as a lot of the graffiti were works-in-progress while we were there. There were some amaze-balls stuff nonetheless … 

The pictures do zero justice. I think I’ll have to creep down to the Tivoli car park later this week to see the finished work as there were some serious pieces being made. 

A stroll through the park with some aftermath of this years cherry blossoms here in Dublin. I also fed some tiny swan babies and may have talked to them for 20 minutes about how cute they were like a crazy lady. Just couldn’t help myself.

Last and in no way least, I lunched at The Little Green where I ate along side the work of their featured artist this week, Bon …

I saw all 4’6″ of this, and had to have it. And I did. More to come on that tasty number once I get my hands on it this week. I’m not sure where it’ll go just yet, but I’ll enjoy giving it a tour of our place I’m sure. Cannot. Wait.

I hope you guys had a good weekend! I think we had our summer yesterday here in Dublin, as today is back to cold and miserable weather. I got to finally crack out the flip flops so I was a happy girl. xx A


Today was spent out and about in search of inspiration. First stop – Industry. I should hang my head in shame as this was the first time I had been. After an eerie amount of conversations this week relating back to Industry, I thought there was no better time than the present. So I went, and I proceeded to touch almost everything in the shop. I was very good and refrained from touching the staff and other customers. 

Porcelain remakes of tin cans and milk cartons add a pristine level of quirk to any kitchen. I especially adore the milk carton in glass, and I couldn’t resist so one came home with me. I actually pinned it ages ago, and now I have it. It reminded me so much of primary school in Canada – my parents would give me a juice box with my lunch every day, but sometimes I’d live on the edge and buy a carton of chocolate milk. Rebel.
Bold over-sized letters? Yes please. I’ve wanted a huge ‘C’ for our apartment for ages as it’s the initial of my maiden name, as well as my new married name. The over-sized ‘B’ will be sneaking into the next issue of House and Home as the lovely couple whose home I styled have one of their own. Very cool.

Some solid Irish graffiti representation through Lauren and Rua’s new book, InsideOut; Street/Art in Ireland. I have their first book so far, and it’s about time I invest in their second. Speaking of graffiti, should you be in Dublin this Saturday, the All City Jam at the Tivoli car park from 10am – 6pm is where I’ll be, creeping on some of my favourite Irish graffiti artists, taking an excessive amount of photos and generally looking very out of place. I’ll blog about it, no doubt.
I found so many swoon worthy pieces in Industry – gold detailed washi tape, rugged tea light holders, black twine, keyboard notepads, old and new and the perfect range of quirky pieces. All of which I want. I actually meant to pick up some of their washi tape, so it’s just the perfect excuse to go back really.