Ring my bell

I’ve been scouring the internet high and low for inspiration regarding what to cram into our gorgeous {and flamingly massive} cloche. There are some amazing ideas out there, so I’m feeling quite excited about what can be done with ours. Behold, the fruits of my labour …

Above – as creepy as this will sound, I’m really intrigued at the more clinical and/or ‘creepy’ bell jar arrangements out there. Skulls are an obvious yes for me, but there’s just a certain something about what’s going on with the above. 
Every ounce of me is already screaming for team Teacup Bell Jar. This is fighting strong and definitely appealing to my obsession with dainty things, so a load of dainty things in a massive display? Hell yes. But my fear for shattered porcelain might be trumping that.

I’m always conscious of our home being too me or too feminine, so I try to impress hubby by incorporating man things. We unfortunately don’t have a robot collection, but this may be substituted with something, dare I say, Star Wars related …

I’m also into simply placing a load of stuff in a pretty glass or cup under the cloche. For me this would immediately scream knitting needles since I have some that are in quite lovely colours as well as some inherited from my nanny.

Once I saw this  mini skeleton action going on, I couldn’t not include it.  That’s all I have to say about that. 
And finally, I’m including the below picture because of the parallel-living-room-universe that is going on here. This is the exact layout of everything I have in my living room – rectangular tray, stack of books, mini cloche, amethyst, skull, second stack of books, and even the ratio of couch-to-coffee-table-to-wall layout. Except our living room is a much darker version. Mind = blown. 
What do you guys think? Do you have cloches or bell jars at home, and what do you have in them? I’m still open for influence.
TFIF homies. Bring on the weekend. xx A
Image cred 123, 45, and 6.

At home – I can’t be without …

Over the last little while, I’ve noticed a couple of things around our home that I’m always giving special attention. They’re silly things, but it’s stuff like this I like spending a little time on. In no particular order … 

Fruit that matches the living room. I know. I can understand how one would perceive this as ridiculous, but there’s something about a big bowl of yummy plums that makes my living room feel happier. Oranges, apples, limes and bananas get their own bowl on the microwave. Where I can’t see them. We’re not so fancy however to always have cherries. But they were there, so I was all like, that looks well played. 

Properly chopped pillows. Just a little je ne sais quoi to add some fancy to the couch region. You first floof out your pillow so it’s not squashed, and then you karate chop it down the middle. This takes your pillows to a whole ‘nother level.

Ooooh, candles. Of all shapes and sizes. It’s really silly, but candles make me feel fancy. 

Last and in no way least, our two babies – Toshi and Juniper. I  fully realize our cats are not home accessories, but they’re a huge part of what makes our apartment a home. They are the epitome of lap cats. The moment you sit down, they’re up for a snuggle. No matter how crap of a day you’ve had, or what you did or didn’t do, these little bundles of fur always make us feel a little bit better.

xx A

Lately + ‘Less 365’ update

Last week I surrendered. I was in Marks & Spencer, nowhere near the home department, picking up something completely unrelated, when I found myself going up the escalator. I had to see if any Conran cloche‘s survived the sale. And there it was …

… and home it came {on the bus, meaning the most terrifying and awkward journey home}. All 52cm x 24cm of glassy clochy goodness. And if it means anything, this picture does it zero justice. I’m thinking some of the below action needs to be mashed into it {it’s temporarily housing one of our naff vintage vases} … 
Gold spray paint tutorial can be found right on over here. While on the topic of revamping,  I {with the help of parental unit male}, jazzercised our tie backs by replacing our existing ones {which were a bit meh} with some crystal door knobs. Much more lovlier me thinks, and for next to nothing, a smidgen of sophistication was added to our living room.

To balance out my cloche purchase, apartment got attacked over the past week or so thanks to my continued obsession that is Project Less 365. On Saturday I hawk-eyed our book collection and ruthlessly culled the unnecessary novels, all of which will be enjoyed by someone else. 

And our spare bedroom below, which now houses all my Project Less 365 items which are patiently waiting to be re-homed. It’s quite therapeutic the amount of relief you get from this de-cluttering process. We all have way too much shit, and this year {for me}, it’s all about back to basics. You’ve got to be cut-throat otherwise you’ll never get rid of anything. 
xx A