Friday, you sexy beast, we meet again. This particular Friday we will be celebrating with a bit of bubbly – yesterday husband was offered an amazing IT job and we are over the moon, to say the least.
We both graduated from college in the last two years {as mature students … we’re not that young}, and there was a lot more hope for husband to get a job in his field as he is an all round IT genius / graduated with top of the top marks. I won’t bore you with Ireland’s continued recession details, but we’ve been waiting for this to happen for a long time, and we were close to giving up = depression central. That is, until yesterday. Hubby immediately handed in his notice at his current job {which is completely unrelated to IT} and has been on a cloud ever since. I was a mess of proud / bubbling wife business yesterday. I’m sure it was very embarrassing.

And way more importantly, husband can finally make use of the IT Crowd inspired cross stitch I made him and has been waiting for such a time to proudly display it on a desk. The old brain wheels are crafting up another QR code cross stitch as an alternative / back up desk accompaniment just in case. Hells yes.
To conclude today’s post, I will quote what was read out at my graduation from the CEO of Microsoft Ireland, “always be nice to nerds because chances are, one day you’ll work for one“. And in some cases – marry one.
So proud of you, hubster 🙂
</mushy stuff>
I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU AND YOUR HUSBAND!!! (this post has made me all mushy and just so plain happy for you. hence the caps. sorry bout that one)
Haha, thank you so much Rincy – caps included! I'm quite mushy and happy myself still. The celebrations are leaking over into the weekend, so no complaints here.
xx A
Congrats to you and hubby on the great news. Happy for you guys.
Thank you for your kind words Anne 🙂 It means a lot xx
OMG, my hubby is going to go ga-ga for that IT Crowd cross stitch. One of our favorite shows (we only discovered it about 2/3 years ago), and was super chuffed to see 'Roy' on Bridesmaids. Oh, and to see Noel Fielding on IT.C. too – mighty-maze-balls.
NOW, back to your fantastic news: So super happy for the hubby getting into his field! I can understand after working for my first design firm last year. Working so hard in school (especially as a mature student) makes the success that much sweeter. Again, I can relate.
I love good news!
Thank you Pat <3 I knew you'd be able to relate since you're in design and your hubby is also in IT. So much paralleling.
The IT Crowd is nothing short of amaze-balls. I even tweeted Chris O'Dowd about that cross stitch and he really liked it! I'm sure he was just being polite, but I was pretty stoked.
Thanks again for your sweet words. I think we'll be celebrating a bit more this weekend. Going to have to put in place a serious diet starting Monday xx A
Congratulations! So pleased for you both – it must be such a relief! Hope you're having a fun weekend celebrating!
Maria xx
Thank you Maria! Yep, alternative celebrations are still underway. Hubby's bicycle was the first to get attention – his wheels were robbed off his bike over a year ago, so that was the first thing on his list yesterday 😉
xx A
Congrats to the hubster that's awesome news!! Sounds like you two are carving out the careers you have wanted. How exciting for you both. Plenty to celebrate. BTW, loving that cross stitch!
Thanks Janine 🙂 Yep, we're pretty excited that after all our hard work, we're both stepping in the right direction. Baby steps, but steps no less. xx